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Maths and Science

Sophia Mundi’s approach to teaching Maths and Science is holistic and progressive. It focuses on building foundational skills in the early years, promoting inquiry and independent thinking in the middle years, and developing advanced analytical skills in the senior years.

The integrated learning approach in primary school evolves into specific topic-driven lessons in Years 7-10, then in Year 11 & 12, maths and science are grouped as specific stand-alone subjects in the IB program, offering a range of sub-topics for breadth in learning.

The curriculum integrates hands-on and experiential learning, ensuring students deeply engage with the material and understand the practical applications of their studies. Hands-on learning is one of many ways students can explore inquiry questions and develop keen observational skills. This active and practical learning approach enhances student engagement, knowledge retention, and understanding.

Sophia Mundi's Maths and Science programs are designed to nurture a love for learning and a deep understanding of these subjects.

This involves:

  • Building core concepts, capability skills, and understandings.
  • Developing independent, creative, and critical thinking skills with a focus on enquiry-based learning.
  • Advancing skills in analysis and synthesis within specific areas of maths and science.


Maths practice classes and main lessons focus on problem-solving and applying investigative strategies. Students learn to observe, document, and progress their skills according to their abilities. Explicit instruction ensures students acquire essential skills, and students who need support are identified early.

Practical applications of maths include trigonometry in surveying, geometric methods in architecture and machine design, and algebra in business and finance.

"Mathematics in Nature" is an integrated main lesson that includes science, history, and visual arts, exploring the numerical harmonies and geometry in the natural world and human form.


In our science programs students design and conduct experiments, and are encouraged and taught how to observe, ask questions, and draw conclusions. This develops science inquiry skills, including scientific report writing, terminology, observation, drawing, measurement, and data analysis and processing.

The science teachers at Sophia Mundi are experts in their respective fields, with PhDs in their areas of specialty. Our teachers are adept at fostering critical thinking, research skills and an inquisitive mind-set. With a commitment to academic excellence, their teaching methods are dynamic, student-centred, and focused on developing each learner's potential to the fullest.